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Me Teaching Scrum in front of Jeff Suthe
Me Teaching Scrum in front of Jeff Suthe

Registered Scrum Trainer & Registered Scrum@Scale Trainer by Scrum Inc.


Andrew Lin

  • Scrum之父 Dr. Jeff Sutherland/Scrum Inc.首批親自面授培訓之Scrum認證講師 (Registered Scrum Trainer),亦是其旗下首位華人Scrum認證講師

  • 規模化Scrum講師 (Registered Scrum@Scale Trainer)

  • Scrum Inc. 聘任專業顧問

  • Scrum Inc. 亞洲區Train the Trainer評審

  • 首位「Agile Education powered by Scrum Inc.」Scrum課程中文/英文授課講師,結合其導師Scrum之父 Dr. Sutherland原創精髓,以原汁原味傳遞True Scrum為己任;幽默生動的引導風格、旁徵博引的實證洞察力、不藏私熱情推廣Scrum敏捷工作法的強烈使命感、啟發性強的多元推動、廣受專業推崇

  • 企業服務 ~ Scrum及多團隊規模化Scrum(Scrum@Scale)授課、Scrum導入實作帶領、提供敏捷數位轉型之顧問諮詢及教練服務

  • 持續帶領企業團隊導入Scrum中,十餘年豐富實戰,天天累積新經驗

  • 多次Scrum指南繁體中文版召集人/譯者、PMI敏捷實務指南中文版審查委員、經理人月刊及專案管理雜誌專欄作者、主持敏捷社群(Scrum Alliance和Agile Alliance台灣官方群組)、全美敏捷權威“Best Agile Articles of 2018~2021”提名委員及2018中文版出版召集(敏捷大師精選) 

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Andrew Lin
Matt Kirilov


Matt Kirilov

Matt以其豐富的教學技巧,深耕執業/體制教練(systems coaching)及團隊成長的專業領域。他對於善用關係來引導組織體制的正向改善充滿熱忱,在美國及保加利亞兩地主導及共同主導多個敏捷及教練的定期聚會。他目前是企業敏捷教練及”From Scrum Master to Coach”訓練系列的共同創辦人。


CTC, SM-CSP, PO-CSP, A-CSM, A-CSPO, SM, CSPO, AgilePM® Foundation, Team Kanban Practitioner, Certified LeSS Basics, ICP-ACC, ICP-ATF, ICAgile Authorized Instructor, Certified Agile Leadership I, Training from the BACK of the room certified trainer, EXIN Agile Scrum Master,  PSM I, PMI-ACP, Scrum Master by Scrum Inc.

Matt has a well-rounded set of skills that deepen in both the professional/ systems coaching and the teaming (team development) competencies. He is passionate about leveraging relationships to influence positive change in organizational systems. He is the organizer or co-organizer of several Agile and coaching meetups in Omaha (U.S.) and in Bulgaria. He currently is an Enterprise Agile Coach and is the co-creator of the From Scrum Master to Coach training series.


Matt holds CTC, SM-CSP, PO-CSP, A-CSM, A-CSPO, SM, CSPO, AgilePM® Foundation, Team Kanban Practitioner, Certified LeSS Basics, ICP-ACC, ICP-ATF, ICAgile Authorized Instructor, Certified Agile Leadership I, Training from the BACK of the room certified trainer, EXIN Agile Scrum Master,  PSM I, PMI-ACP, Scrum Master by Scrum Inc..

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​Sarah Lin



進而完整學習並深信Scrum敏捷工作法的高效表現,自創企業新人報到之「敏捷新兵訓練」、協助家長事半功倍帶小孩之「親子敏捷大作戰」等課程,期待將Dr. Jeff Sutherland所創造的Scrum敏捷工作法嘉惠於產品開發團隊以外的其他人,將高效率學習、溝通變成每個人的輕鬆日常!



Jessica Chen


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